The Vocations Cross is one way we at St. Aloysius pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We believe that when individuals and families pray for future priests, permanent deacons, brothers and sisters, God listens. More than that, God may plant a vocation seed in that person or family doing the praying. Hosting the Vocation Cross can also encourage questions and conversations concerning vocations.
The process of hosting the cross is very simple. At one of our three weekend Masses a different family, one who has signed on for this ministry, is presented with the Vocation Cross after communion. The individual or family takes the Cross into their home and commits to saying the prayer provided on a daily basis. This can be done at any time during the day, though for families it is especially meaningful when prayed together as a family before or after the evening meal. Most households place the Cross in a prominent place in their home as a reminder of this special time of prayer.
When the week concludes, the host family returns the Cross to the parish office so the next family can receive it at a weekend Mass.